1300 numbers are an excellent addition to any business and can possess great marketing power. They’re easy for your callers to remember, provide a range of call handling features and can become a valuable marketing asset. Apart from 1300 numbers being a great marketing tool, they can do even more. Here are 4 things that you probably didn’t know about 1300 numbers and how they can benefit your business.
How Do 1300 Numbers Work?
Before jumping into it, here’s a quick summary of what 1300 numbers are and how they work. 1300 numbers are 10-digit Australia-wide numbers where the caller is charged a local call rate when dialling from any Australian phone line, including mobiles. Calls are diverted to a mobile or landline, where your call is then connected to the customer.
They’re for Incoming Calls Only
1300 numbers are virtual numbers and can only be used for incoming calls. You can’t make outbound calls from your 1300 numbers and the Caller ID that will be shown to your callers will be the mobile or landline you’re calling from.
Still looking to hide your personal mobile when making outbound calls? A SoftPhone is an excellent solution and can be used alongside your 1300 number. They’re a virtual number that works for both inbound and outbound calls and can be used on any device including mobile or laptop. For more information, CLICK HERE.
You Can Get a 1300 Number with No Upfront Costs
1300 Numbers come in two varieties: Free Pool Numbers and Smart Numbers. Both have the same functionality and work the same way. Free pool numbers are 1300 and 1800 numbers that have no upfront cost with obtaining the number. The number itself is free and the only costs associated are with monthly call plans. They’re a highly cost-effective way to boost your business presence and project a professional image to your customers.
They Provide a Wide Range of Call Features that Standard Mobiles and Landlines Can’t Match
While you may be familiar with some features such as IVR and time-based routing, but did you know that you can add a call whisper service that announces that the incoming call is via your 1300 number? Call whisper is a small recording that’s played to you upon answering that advises the call you're receiving is a "business call". This is an excellent feature for anyone routing their 1300 number to a personal number, making it easy to differentiate between sales calls and personal calls. 1300 numbers have dozens of other features such as call recording and geo-routing, which can be found HERE.
They Can Be Used to Track Your Customers
1300 numbers can also be used for dynamic call tracking which provides insights on how your callers found your business and how they engaged with your website. You can utilise these insights to analyse and optimise your marketing by finding out what strategies are working and what strategies aren’t.
1300 numbers are a feature-rich marketing asset that can benefit a business of any size. If you're looking to take advantage of a 1300 number and all that it has to offer, CLICK HERE or call us on 1300 00 1300 to speak to one of our expert business consultants.